Jacob's CTF Server

Full Version: Subelectronite's Operator Application
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What is your in-game username?

How long have you been on the server?
More actively, since 2017.

Do you have an experience as an operator on other servers?
I'm currently one of two administrators of New Blood, one of the most active communities within ClassiCube. We have two ClassiCube servers: Zombie Survival & Map Build, in addition to a Discord server which has over 500 verified members. At the time of writing I've assumed the role of administrator for over 2 years, and even longer in a staffing position.

Why do you think you should be an operator?
Although I recognise that there are disproportionately many operators given the number of players, not all are active and regularly join the server. Some have indicated that they're no longer particularly interested in being involved in competitive CTF. Hence, as someone who's interested in participating in, commentating in, and streaming CTF tournaments, I can be a helpful addition to the operator team.

To give an example of a situation where I could have helped out: Because many of the active operators were packed into MBVX and Schrodinger's Team in the most recent tournament, there was no third-person operator to oversee the match between those teams. This was an potential issue that Arvid and I could have encountered, where we would not be able to re-add someone to the match if they lost connection, or reset the game if we were going for that sort of overtime procedure.

Friendly and respectful: I hope others consider me a friendly member of the community. I avoid disrespectful or toxic language, and try to make new players feel welcome on the server. I understand that chat rules on this server are more lenient than on other servers, so I hope I don't come across as strict even though I staff on New Blood, but I'm not afraid to step in if someone crosses the line, for example with a "let's avoid making those types of comments" or even a mute if they persist. I'm also happy to cooperate and willing to learn - if I'm doing something poorly, don't be afraid to offer constructive criticism.

Care for the community: CTF is in fact the primary reason why I found ClassiCube in the first place, as it was practically the only game mode I played on the original Minecraft Classic website. It's a fun game mode, which is why I care about keeping it active. To show for this, I've posted a list of suggestions in the past, some of which have now been addressed!

Contributed to tournaments: I try to promote participation in CTF tournaments; in each of the most recent two tournaments I've formed and captained a team so that the tournament has an additional competing team. In the most recent tournament, I've commentated some of the games that I wasn't playing in. I can't say that I'm a good commentator, but I'd be interested in commentating again in the future if the organisers will have me!

Extensive staffing experience: As an administrator, I have extensive experience regarding a broad range of responsibilities, including:
- Handling rule-breaking incidents and defusing tense situations; knowing when to hand out punishments according to a server's set of rules and guidelines.
- Mentoring junior staff; answering their questions; training them to become better members of staff.
- Handling map submissions; giving positive yet critical responses as to how map authors can improve their maps without being disrespectful in any way.

Future plans: I'd like to help out with drafts or scrimmages, and only operators can turn on tournament mode and move players onto teams. I believe these sorts of events can go a long way in helping the server remain active. An event I have in mind, in the same vein as something we host on New Blood, is a CTF awards ceremony to celebrate the server's anniversary, where members of the community could vote for the best player, the most improved player, the best map, among others. I'm open to discussion regarding this, if there's interest. I'm also very happy to cooperate with other operators in improving the community in any way.

As a final note, I've noticed that many new players have come over from New Blood. I could help to bridge the two communities - most recently I plugged the tournament in the New Blood Discord.

If you made it to the end, thanks for taking the time to read my application!

I'm grateful to the following operators for having given me their reference over DMs:
- Andilitox
- BkayB
- Cheesse
- Diamond_Cake
- DramaticLove
- eo2
- isaacwolf
- jackhound123
- Venk
After deliberation, on behalf of the rest of the current staff here on Jacob_'s CTF, and most importantly Jacob_ himself, you are granted the role of Operator. Carry out the duties of Operator diligently and responsibly. Congratulations!