Jacob's CTF Server

Full Version: ProGammer needs to be banned
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For the past few days ProGammer has been spawnkilling. Yesturday on utilido he spawn killed me, daboss, and pen23 like 6 times. Today when I was on it was only me and him. I /spec'd because I didn't feel like playing. He was on blue. Then i went afk in red spawned. When I got back to the screen it said 'Shadow5478 is being dominated by Progamer" and he had a killstreak of like 30. And yes he got a first blood of killing me because no one else was on. The problem with this is, it happens almost everyday. Pen is the witness from yesturday, he could tell you. And when I told him he was being reported he started spamming up the server. Oh and I think Mar's can be a witness to yesturday to. Wom logs [2013-12-28 09:17:13] > -- buildism.net/mc
[2013-12-28 09:17:17] ProGamer*: FUCK U
[2013-12-28 09:17:17] - Blue team is full.
[2013-12-28 09:17:17] - shadow5478 joined the red team
[2013-12-28 09:17:21] shadow5478: fuck you to
[2013-12-28 09:17:23] - shadow5478 joined the spec team
[2013-12-28 09:17:35] ProGamer*: scarey cat
[2013-12-28 09:17:40] shadow5478: shut the fuck up
[2013-12-28 09:17:45] ProGamer*: fine
[2013-12-28 09:18:01] - ProGamer* took the first blood!
[2013-12-28 09:18:05] ProGamer*: XD

His worst offense was spawnkilling. Everyone else started overreacting and whining, which made the situation worse.

You people need to calm down sometimes. These 'trolls' look innocent compared to how some of you guys handle things.
^ Yes, I agree with Mars. Over-Reacting....
So we're just gonna let the trouble maker go? Nice. Makes a whole lot of sense...