Jacob's CTF Server

Full Version: Minecraft CTF Tournament
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When I was talking about this with Scabbs we both probably weren't expecting this anytime soon, so it's perfectly alright even if this ends up being in December. Let's just leave you as a Captain unless someone else would like to take over
Team #1's new captain is BkayB, and it's members so far Classic1234 and Maximumride67.
Alright, changed.
Any more contestants to add?
I'll join, could I be told the teams?
The groups are as follows:

Team #1 -
The Captain is BkayB
It's members are: Maximumride67 & Classic

Team #2 -
The Captain is Cyber1435x
It's members are: T97 and 30Sec

Team #3 -
The Captain is jackhound123
It's members are: FluffyFlyingB0B, and eo2.

There's also an open position for Team #4. If anyone would like to be team captain, please say so via the forums.

Also, if you would like to join as a member of either of the groups, please contact each of the appropriate captains.
We doing this or what?
It's in december, so, yeah I think so...
That's along time from now.
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