Jacob's CTF Server

Full Version: Multi kills
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I think it would be cool for multi kills to be worth more than the regular amount of points. Say I get a double kill, that woudl be 10 points because 1 explode is 5 points. But because it is a double kill I say you should get 5 extra points. Or 5 points a extra person in a multikill. Leave your thoughts in the comments section below. Lol now I sound like a you tuber.


Yeah I like this idea.
Get extra points for killstreaks? We can figure a system later...
I approve. I feel it doesn't impact too much, but this idea def should be implemented just for the satisfaction factor.
Yeah, multiply your killstreak by like 5? I don't know. might get a little big. I mean if you get a ks of 80 it would come out to like 400 points. just for hitting that mark. gets a bit overboard. maybe by 2 or so.
Meanwhile...As that newbie starts killing that lagged out guy.
That's why we got ops
Yeah usually when I come across somebody who is lagged out, I force them on spec.