Jacob's CTF Server
New 'weapon' - Printable Version

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New 'weapon' - waffleninja6000 - 05-30-2015

I have this ideas for a new game mechanic...Now I don't know much about tech. So I don't even know if this can be done...
Anyways...The idea is a Glue Box...The way I works is you place a brick block, or which ever decided block, and it falls like sand/gravel...then when it hits the ground 1-2 layers of lava come out( horizontally, not a sphere, more like a circle). The lava would last about 2-2.5 sec. The point of this, obviously, is to 'glue' an enemy. Another possibility is to have it stationary, like a mine, and blow up when an enemy walks by. Personally I can see both coexisting. I think the stationary one should have a limit of 1 and would go nicely with a limit of 2 mines.

Blocks, ranges, all discussions should be saved for later...Right now it's "Do you want to see something like this?" Thnx for readin' bishes

RE: New 'weapon' - Cheesse - 05-30-2015

That might make you too op waff.

RE: New 'weapon' - waffleninja6000 - 05-30-2015

*drunk whisper* Sssshhhhhh don't tell anyone...
But are you for or against it...?

RE: New 'weapon' - Jacob_ - 05-30-2015

Too late.

RE: New 'weapon' - waffleninja6000 - 05-30-2015

*still drunk* dafaq is that suppose to mean?....

RE: New 'weapon' - Creatoss - 05-30-2015

Considering that we're seeing a lot of items be suggested, I'm gonna go ahead and make this clear:

Items should only be added to enhance the game play without making it impossible to counter the item and play the game.

This trap item that you mention is something that wouldn't necessarily enhance the game play for all players, only a select few. Also, there is a strong possibility that this item will lead to unforeseen consequences, like the three-mines update.

My main concern here is that like the three-mines update, the addition of this new item will further slow down the existing game play of CTF. CTF isn't a game that should be elongated for such a long time on one single map. If players start using this item, with the three mines available, players are going to see never-ending rounds which detracts from the entertainment value of CTF.

RE: New 'weapon' - waffleninja6000 - 05-30-2015

First, idk bout people but when I play in a map for a good while my blood starts to rush...Second, it can be exploded while in box mode so that no lava happens...Third, have you heard if parliamentary procedure? It's yes or no, then other stuff...Fourth, the number of mines is still being desided.Fifth, da hell Yu know bout gameplay, when you've been banned for months, dafaq outta hea...

RE: New 'weapon' - jack - 05-31-2015

That would be way to OP

I think rocket's height needs to be 1 block higher. I try rocketing people hwo have the flag sometimes and it lands on them but becuas ethey jumped it doens't get them.

RE: New 'weapon' - waffleninja6000 - 05-31-2015

How do you suppose they dodge it?
And how would it be yo OP?

RE: New 'weapon' - Jacob_ - 05-31-2015

Rockets don't explode on people, only blocks.