Well, they got us.
Wrong Section Servers
This is a reminder about the Minecraft Forum Rules and Guidelines, this reminder has no impact on the standing of your account and is only to ensure that you are aware of our rules. This reminder is regarding the following post:
Do not advertise your server outside of our various Server sections, you must post your server thread in the appropriate section based on your platform:
PC Servers Forum
Pocket Edition Multiplayer Forum
Xbox 360 Multiplayer Forum
Xbox One Multiplayer Forum
Playstation 3 Multiplayer Forum
Playstation 4 Multiplayer Forum
Thank you for your time! The Minecraft Forum Rules are accessible via the "Rules" link in the navigation bar. If you have any questions please let me know!
Please note that repeated rule violations may result in action against your account, including restrictions on your ability to post.
Just destroyed our post in an instant.
I tried again, but I got shut down after posting it in PC servers
Wrong Section Servers
This is a reminder about the Minecraft Forum Rules and Guidelines, this reminder has no impact on the standing of your account and is only to ensure that you are aware of our rules. This reminder is regarding the following post:
Do not advertise your server outside of our various Server sections, you must post your server thread in the appropriate section based on your platform:
PC Servers Forum
Pocket Edition Multiplayer Forum
Xbox 360 Multiplayer Forum
Xbox One Multiplayer Forum
Playstation 3 Multiplayer Forum
Playstation 4 Multiplayer Forum
Thank you for your time! The Minecraft Forum Rules are accessible via the "Rules" link in the navigation bar. If you have any questions please let me know!
Please note that repeated rule violations may result in action against your account, including restrictions on your ability to post.
Just destroyed our post in an instant.
I tried again, but I got shut down after posting it in PC servers