01-15-2019, 10:05 AM
I meant by that statement that lower ping users do not fall through ice blocks as frequently compared to higher ping users, due to us higher ping users lagging in the first place. For example when I explode tnt it doesn't explode instantly like yours would. It delays by half a second or more.
The point about gameplay I'm trying to make relates to what eo said. Yes you are to capture the flags, but let's be honest if the game was just about capturing flags and who can do it the quickest, not many players would enjoy or stick around for that. Killing is another main part of the game, it adds to the "enjoyment" factor. Well if you look before ice players were all on the same speed level. This meant if you killed the defending team you had an easier chance of escaping because they couldn't spam ice to speed up to you. Whereas now if you aren't fast enough using ice or if you don't use it at all you're no match against players like you or myself. I don't think this fair, especially for new players. Also I've noticed how since ice can be laggy for some you can avoid tnt way easier (even though you should die). CTF was never intended to become a racing game, it's always been focused on teamwork and a level playing ground.
The point about gameplay I'm trying to make relates to what eo said. Yes you are to capture the flags, but let's be honest if the game was just about capturing flags and who can do it the quickest, not many players would enjoy or stick around for that. Killing is another main part of the game, it adds to the "enjoyment" factor. Well if you look before ice players were all on the same speed level. This meant if you killed the defending team you had an easier chance of escaping because they couldn't spam ice to speed up to you. Whereas now if you aren't fast enough using ice or if you don't use it at all you're no match against players like you or myself. I don't think this fair, especially for new players. Also I've noticed how since ice can be laggy for some you can avoid tnt way easier (even though you should die). CTF was never intended to become a racing game, it's always been focused on teamwork and a level playing ground.