Since /cr is banned from the tournament, that got me thinking about how it can be changed to make it a more relevant/less "broken" store item.
Here is a list of my suggestions:
Here is a list of my suggestions:
- /cr can no longer team-kill (no trolling/team-killing)
- /cr can have a possibly random explosion diameter (from 3-9), higher store price, and a cool down of at least 25 seconds (numbers subject to change) (When used, can be very effective or really pointless, adding a risk factor)
- /cr can store charges over time after it is first bought until it is detonated, meaning only 1 /cr can be bought at a time, having a cool down of at least 25 seconds after detonation until a new /cr can be bought (1-9 possible explosion diameter, duration of 5 minutes to fully charge, diameter charges in this order: 0 minutes = 1 block, 3 minutes = 3 blocks, 4 minutes = 5 blocks, 4.5 minutes = 7 blocks, 5 minutes = 9 blocks) (numbers subject to change) (Becomes more useful over time, making /cr more ideal to save for stalemates, strong plays, or other situations.)